Dr.D.Senthil Kumar

Dr.D.Senthil Kumar
Consulting Psychologist & Homoeopath

Please visit Vivekanantha Homoeo clinic & Psychological counselling Center Official web site


Vivekanantha Psychological Counselling Center & Homoeo clinic

Vivekanantha Psychological Counselling Center & Homoeo clinic

We offer


  1. Family Guidance and Counselling
  2. Carrier Guidance and Counselling
  3. Sex Guidance and Counselling
  4. Educational Guidance and Counselling
  5. Adolescent Guidance and Counselling
  6. Pre and post marital Guidance and Counselling
  7. Stress Guidance and Counselling
  8. Anxiety Guidance and Counselling
  9. Depression relieving techniques
  10. Personality development programmes


  1. Measuring stress
  2. Measuring job satisfaction and involvement
  3. Measuring organizational climate
  4. Memory tests
  5. Creativity test
  6. Marital satisfaction test
  7. Measuring anxiety
  8. Attitude test
  9. Assertiveness test
  10. Self esteem test


  • WHITE DISCHARGE (Leucorrhoea),


  • Adamant
  • Learning Disability
  • Do not obey the parents comment
  • Violence
  • Hyperactive child
  • Sluggish child
  • Adolescent Problems
  • Teen age love and affection
  • Infatuation
  • Poor memory
  • Lack of concentration in studies
  • Sudden change of activities
  • And more…

We conduct

Personality Assessment Test


MNC & Corporate Companies (Recruitments and Promotion)

For Direct Consultation

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Dr.D.Senthil Kumar, B.H.M.S., M.D(Alt Med)., M.Phil(Psy)

Consulting Homoeopath & Psychologist

Vivekanantha Homoeo Clinic & Psychological Counselling Center

Dr.Senthil Kumar’s Consultation Schedule


Head Office

Wednesday to Saturday:- 10.00am to 1.00pm &

5.00pm to 8.30pm

Sunday: - 10.30am to 1.00pm

(Consultation by Appointment only)

For Appointment

Please call: 09443054168,

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B-12, Second Floor,

Velachery Main Road,

Direct Opposite to Saravana Stores,

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Near Vijaya nagar Bus Stand,

Velachery, Chennai 42,


Branch Office

Monday(First & Third Monday of Every Month)

10.00am to 12.45pm &

05.30pm to 8.30pm

(Consultation by Appointment only)

For Appointment

Please call: 09443054168,

126, Chennai Salai,

(Near Raliway Gate, Direct Opposite to Lakshmi Villas Bank ATM), Panruti-607106,

Cuddalore District,

Tamil Nadu, India For


Branch Office

Every Saturday:

11.00am to 02.00pm

(Consultation by Appointment only)


Please call: 09443054168,


Ø We are taking only minimum number of patients per day.

Ø We are allotting 40 to 5o minutes for new patients & 15 to 20 minutes for follow-ups.

Ø So be there at time to avoid unwanted waiting

Ø we concentrate more to patient’s privacy, so we are allotting 40 to 50 minutes/client – “so be there at time”

Ø We treat Many Diseases, so no one can know for what problem you are taking the treatment – So feel free to talk with Doctor and visit the Clinic.

For Appointment

Please call: 09443054168, 09786901830

Please call the Doctor and explain your problems in short, then SMS your Name – Mobile Number - Problem in Single word - date and day - Place of appointment (Eg: Rajini - 99xxxxxxx0 – Psoriasis – 21st Oct Sunday - Chennai )

You will receive Appointment details through SMS

For Foreign patients

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Send mail to consult.ur.dr@gmail.com


Call +91 9443054168, +91 9786901830


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(Your complaints and other Details should be kept very confidential)

Tuesday, December 9, 2008



Bedwetting or nocturnal enuresis is involuntary passage of urine while the child is asleep at an age beyond which the sphincter control is normally developed. An occasional lapse by child should not cause concern. Bedwetting is of two types - Persistent (or primary) type and the Regressive type. In persistent type child has never been dry at night and in regressive type, the sphincter control is developed at normal age and child remains dry for several months after which child again starts wetting bed at night.

Prevalence of nocturnal enuresis at 5 yrs of age is 7% for males and 3% for females. At 10 yrs of age it is 3% for males and 2% for females and at 18 yr of age it is 1% for males and rarely present in females. There is a marked familial pattern.

Persistent Type

Persistent type of bed wetting is due to delay in maturation of neurological control of sphincters. Persistent type of nocturnal enuresis may also be due to inadequate or inappropriate toilet training. Parents who demand rapid toilet training may generate an angry response, the child unconsciously defy them by wetting the bed. But on the other hand parents who do not understand the timely need of toilet training may undermine childs effort to control the bladder.

One hypothesis also suggests that these children sleep deeply hence signal from distended bladder indicating the need to empty the bladder does not reach the conscious level of their brain during sleep.

Treatment for Persistent type of Nocturnal Enuresis

(a) Children should not be given liquids after dinner

(b) Child should void before going to sleep

(c) No punishment or humilation of child

(d) Reward therapy - Reward the child for being dry at night

(e) Conditional devices (alarm that rings when child wets the sheet) is reserved for persistent and refractory cases and is successful in more than 90% cases.

(f) Bladder stretching exercises

(g) Drug treatment is effective only briefly and there is exacerbation of symptoms once drug is discontinued.

Regressive type

This type of bedwetting is precipitated by stressful environmental events such as birth of a sibling, death in family, marital conflict and moving to a new home.

Treatment for Regressive type of Nocturnal Enuresis

This type of bedwetting is transitory. Prognosis is better and management is easier than persistent type.

In both types of bedwetting organic pathology is found only in small number of cases. Organic causes such, as anomalies of urinary tract, juvenile diabetes; nephropathies and neurologic illnesses should be excluded by physical examination and investigations.

Sexual Abuse in Child

Sexual Abuse in Child

Three type of sexual abuse, molestation, sexual intercourse and rape are commonly seen in childhood. Child molestation includes touching or fondling the genitals of child or asking the child to fondle the adult's genitals. Forced exposure to pornography or sexual act is also included in child molestation.

Sexual intercourse includes vaginal, oral or rectal penetration or attempted penetration. 10% of sexual abuse is assaultive, forced intercourse - Rape.

Incest is the sexual mistreatment of children by family members and this is most common also. Child may also have sexual mistreatments by friends and acquaintances and rarely by strangers. 90% victims of incest are females. In incest 1/3rd of children are less than 6 yr old, one third between 6-12 yr and one third in age group of 12-18 yr. Incidence of incest is five times higher with step father. Most incest involves father and daughter and father is an alcoholic.

Child discloses an incestuous relationship to her mother, girlfriend, friend's mother or a counselor.


Medical conditions with sexual abuse include genital or anal trauma, genital infections, urinary tract infections, bedwetting and inappropriate sexual behaviour child may become pregnant, attempt suicide and can show run away behaviour.


Only 50% children have abnormal physical findings as there is long delay before a child seeks help. Gentle interview with child will help. Pictures or dolls are used to clarify the body parts. Child should not be exposed to repeated interviews. Female victims should be preferably examined by a female physician.


All sexual abuse are criminal offence. All victims of sexual abuse require psychologic support. Parents may deny the incidence. Victim of single non violent episode of molestation requires only assurance. In case of rape child requires services of psychologist.

The victim of multiple episodes of sexual abuse need long term psychotherapy.

Medications to prevent pregnancy are given to postmenarcheal girls who have experienced vaginal intercourse in last 24 hrs. Medication to be given for sexually trammitted disease if present.

Treatment of incest requires a coordinated multidisciplinary approach. Offending parents require psychologic evaluation.

Sociopaths are untreatable

With intervention most incest victim lead normal adult lives.


Best protection for children is alert adult who will not leave them in high risk situation. Children should be encouraged to "say no", "tell some one" and don't keep secrets.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

  • The Boy could not stop washing his hands.......

  • The woman could not stop checking the lock.....

  • The man could no stop himself from praying to God again & again......

Sandeep, an 18-yr. old boy has to wash his hands 20-25 times in a day. Every time he touches any thing in the house like the table or the door he had to go & wash his hands. He always takes 20-25 minutes washing his hands because if he touches the tap while closing he will have to wash his hands again and so the vicious cycle continues. He takes one hour to take bath because touching the bucket means washing the hands again. It has continued for the last 3 years and 10 hours out of the 24 hours go in completing each of these steps of washing.

Sandeep is suffering from an Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or OCD.

How common is OCD?

Out of every 10 patients coming to the psychiatrist, one patient is suffering from this illness.

But why can't these people simply stop it?

That is the PROBLEM. They are not mad people. They realize that it is Irrational /Inappropriate but it is a recurrent thought / impulse which is not in the control of the person (patient) and is called Obsessive thought. They try to stop or ignore it but cannot do it.

The thought is followed by some rituals /acts which are called Compulsion. A combination of obsessive thoughts followed by compulsive actions is known as an Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

Oh yes!, I know somebody my office. We always feel the he's obsessed with cleanliness. His table, his dresses are always spotless. Is he suffering from an Obsessive Compulsive disorder?

Obsessive Compulsive disorder is a disease, an illness. Your friend in the office is a habitually clean person (its his habit) or may be a perfectionist. He's not suffering from a disease .In OCD the person is intensely distressed by the recurrent thought, which does not allow him to do his routine activities.

What are the other presentations of this disease?

Other presentations are:
  • Pathological doubt which leads to repeated thoughts of hurting someone followed by rituals of crying or counting etc.

  • Reflected sexual thoughts and imaginations followed buy rituals of praying etc.

  • Excessive praying on religious concern out of keeping with the person's background.

  • Excessive concern about symmetry & precision.

  • Hoarding & collecting.

  • Rituals that few things have to be done in a specific order
Does this disorder come in childhood, or at any age?
The OCD usually presents at the age of 20-30 yr. If it presents in older age (in 4th decade) it usually comes after a stressful situation in life. The person has some problem in life e.g. death of some dear one, problem in marriage etc. In such cases DEPRESSION may be the main illness, which presents in the manner.

What is the cause of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder?
It's a multi factorial illness, that is to say that a variety of factors and their combination is responsible.
  • Important contribution is of certain brain chemicals. Their decreased presence is considered to be a factor. One such chemical is Serotonin.

  • Inheritance is another importance contributing factor. Sometimes some close relative in family suffers from this illness.

  • Personality of the person might be very perfectionist.

  • Upbringing from childhood can have an important role.
Is OCD treatable?

Yes, Very much.

  • The most important thing is to believe that it is an illness like any other illness (like Pneumonia or Typhoid).

  • The person is sick & he /she's not doing it deliberately to harass others.

  • It requires active intervention by a specialist doctor (a psychiatrist).

  • There are medicines available, which are very effective.

  • There are other methods like Psychotherapy and Behaviour therapy.

How to Improve?

How to Improve?

How to Improve A.I.RLike a breath of fresh AIR improves your mood, the three key elements for improving your sexual performance are as simple and as effective as the A.I.R.


Avoid spectatoring:

Remember that you are not a spectator of an act, you are the act itself, and you are the participant. You are not there to critically analyze it and constantly to measure your efficiency. You are there to ‘Let Go’ and enjoy.

Enjoy the interaction and don’t aim or worry about the performance. Enjoy caressing, touching your partner (anywhere on the body). It’s nice to touch and feel close to your partner.

Break the cycle of watching/worrying/and further reducing the response.

Improve communication

Communication is a vital part of having Good Sex. Remember "Sex is as much between the Ears, as it is, between the Legs". Good communication with your partner can make the difference between having Sex ‘for the sake of it’ and having ‘a really good time’.

Communicate verbally/non-verbally. Tell your partner where else do you want, to be touched-how much and for how long. Tell him/her when it’s pleasurable and also when it hurts. Relax pleasantly and enjoy this without worrying about the ultimate. Enjoy in different positions, sometimes-female superior positions can be an easy position.

Remove Misunderstanding

A misunderstanding between the partners can really affect the sexual relationship badly. The clearer both are about each other and Sex the better it is. A feeling that something important needs to be sorted out before going further should not be overlooked.

Some Common Misconceptions about Sex

Some Common Misconceptions about Sex

  • The penis can become erect at very early stage, especially in a young man. This does not mean that he is necessarily ready the for intercourse and he may start too soon - before his partner feels ready. She may become anxious as she feels she is keeping him waiting.

  • Vaginal lubrication may remain hidden especially in lying down positions. Both partners may assume she is not responding, when in fact she is. Penis gives a more obvious signal which the vagina may not.

  • Arousal comes in waves in both the man and the woman. This is normal. The decline doesn't mean that something is wrong.

  • Premature ejaculation (coming too soon, before the partner is ready) is normal in young men, particularly when very much aroused. Control comes with learning and practice.

  • Many women may not have orgasm but are fully responsive. This doesn’t mean that they are frigid.

  • Early sexual relationships may not have orgasms in women. Partners need not worry. Anxiety further inhibits it.

  • The husband snoring one minute after ejaculating can produce resentment if the wife is still feeling the need for intimacy. The men have their refractory period (time during which sexual arousal is difficult) very fast. Woman need not feel upset (as if being used as a sleeping pill) - you can wake up your husband sometimes and let him know.

Guide to Better Sex

Guide to Better Sex

Better Sex GuideSex, like most other functions of our body is a normal process. As other functions, like for example, the digestion, can be upset by factors like a bad mood, stress or similar such things, so can the sexual function be disturbed by a whole lot of factors. These may not necessarily involve the anatomy but instead it’s the mind, which makes the difference.

If sex is allowed to happen naturally, in a relaxed way, our bodies will respond normally without any conscious effort on our part.

There are a wide variety of problem or situations that can upset the normal sexual responsiveness, most of them, fortunately, can be helped in a positive manner by understanding on our part. Here are a few of the most common amongst them and ways to improve:

  • Misunderstanding and/or lack of information about sex :Its indeed one of the most telling ironies that Sex, despite being one of the most commonly discussed topic in our lives and in the media, there is a surprising lack of correct information about ‘What to Expect and How to Act’.

    Those images of the ‘Perfect Macho Man and The Perfect Sensual Woman’ on the TV and in the Magazines make us feel that Sex instead of being a perfectly normal natural and enjoyable thing, is an ‘Act to be Performed to Perfection’. All this does it to add to the confusion and leads to unrealistic fears, expectations and fantasies.

  • Bad feelings about Sex and its consequences -
  1. Fear of pregnancy; Fear of pain; Fear of being caught/ heard/ or interrupted.
  2. Performance Anxiety-Fear of failing to perform well.
  3. Fear of losing control (during orgasm) and /or becoming vulnerable.
  4. Looking unattractive during the climax.
  5. Bad feelings about yourself or your body like, feeling that the body is unattractive. Feelings that I am not successful (low self-esteem).

  • Problems in relationship –
    Anger/resentment against the partner should be resolved as it can decrease the performance and pleasure while having sex.

  • Unsuitable circumstances –
    While a ‘Quickie’ sometimes can be fun! But normally Good Sex requires a relaxed mind and body. Too much of a hurry, tiredness or preoccupation can rob you of the pleasures of Sex.

  • Performance anxiety –
    This is one of the most significant problems in the way of Good Sex. We often forget that Sex is something that comes naturally to all of us, instead, we seem to view ourselves as performers who have to complete an act to perfection.

  • Spectator role –
    Quite often we start observing ourselves as an audience, instead of really participating in it. – We observe ourselves ‘doing the act’, as if on stage (now coming, now coming...., so again it doesn't,...I knew it…etc.).

F.A.Q.’s for Him

F.A.Q.’s for Him

Is masturbation harmful?

No, masturbation is not harmful in as much as producing physical disability or diminishing your virility. In fact masturbation should be seen as ‘a handful of pleasure’. It doesn’t lead to any deformity of the penis nor does it affect the ability to achieve or sustain an erection.

What's the average size of the penis?

The average size of penis is 15cm, the normal range is considered to be between 13 and 18cm.

Is penis size important?

This is one of the most frequently asked questions. The fact of the matter is that it is important only if you think so. Factually speaking, the vagina is only eight to thirteen centimeters long, and only the outer one third of it is supplied with nerves and is therefore sensitive to touch. Therefore even a very small penis can touch every square centimeter within the vagina and can certainly perform adequately.

Can penis size be increased?

Yes. There are two surgical procedures to increase penis size-- the Bihari Procedure, and Fat Injection.
The Bihari Procedure consists of cutting the ligament that secures the base of the penis to the body. This gives between one-half and two inches of increased length to the penis; however, because the penis is no longer anchored to the body an erection no longer points 'up.'
Fat Injection is the process of removing fat from the backs of the thighs and injecting it into the body of the penis to make the penis thicker. Because the body rejects a significant portion of the injection this procedure may need to be repeated several times and each operation carries with it a severe risk of infection.

My penis bends down (or left, or right). Is there something wrong with it?

One-quarter of all penises bend in some direction and some bend downward even when erect. Coming to think of it, one would really thank that the penis doesn’t have any bones in it, and therefore it can normally easily bend in many directions to perform its job without much of discomfort. Unless the bend is severe or causes you pain, there is nothing wrong or abnormal about your penis. It should not interfere with sexual intercourse. In fact some people find the bend is to their advantage, making penetration easier.

One of my testicles is larger than the other. Is it all right?

Rarely are both the testicles identical. In fact the left one hangs lower in 85% of cases. It is nothing to worry about.

Sometimes I feel pain in my testicles. Is there some thing to worry?

Intermittent twinges in the testicles are common and these sometimes happen after the intercourse. If it lasts less than a minute then there is nothing to worry.
An infection or inflammation causes testicular pain that builds up gradually. In such cases consult your doctor.


Ejaculation happens to fast. What do I do?

Again, it is one of the more frequent problems. The solution is to try to strengthen your PC( pubococcygeus) muscle. It is the muscle that you use to stop urine flow or to rid yourself of the last few drops. Try contracting it whenever you get reminded of it - in the car, at your desk, some 50 – 100 times a day. It is the same muscle that contracts for ejaculation, therefore strengthening it will give you more control during sex.

Some psycho conditions

Some psycho conditions

Adjustment disorders

A type of condition with emotional or behavioral symptoms that occur in response to identifiable stress in a person's life.

Affective disorder (also called mood disorder)

A category of mental health problems that includes a disturbance in mood, usually profound sadness or apathy, euphoria or irritability, such as the disorder depression.


A Greek word that literally means "fear of the marketplace." This anxiety disorder is characterized by a fear of open, public places or of being in crowds. Agoraphobics often experience panic attacks in a place or situation from which escape may be difficult or embarrassing.

Amnestic disorder (also called amnesia)

A brain disorder marked by memory



The experience of intense annoyance that inspires hostile and aggressive thoughts and actions.

Anorexia nervosa (also called anorexia)

An eating disorder characterized by low body weight, a distorted body image, an extreme aversion to food and an intense fear of gaining weight.


Medications that treat depression, as well as other psychiatric disorders.

Children, teens and adults being treated with antidepressants, particularly anyone being treated for depression, should be watched closely for worsening of depression and for increased suicidal thinking or behavior. Close watching may be especially important early in treatment or when the dose is changed - either increased or decreased. Bring up your concerns immediately with a doctor.

Antisocial personality disorder

A disorder characterized by a disregard for the feelings, property, authority and respect of others, for an individual's own personal gain. This may include violent or aggressive destructive actions toward other people, without a sense or remorse or guilt.


A feeling of unease and fear of impending danger characterized by physical symptoms such as rapid heart rate, sweating, trembling and feelings of stress. In contrast to fear, the danger or threat in anxiety is imagined, not real.

Anxiety disorders

Conditions characterized by high levels of anxiety. Currently five different anxiety disorders are recognized: generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder, post traumatic stress disorder and social phobia.

Attention-deficit disorder (ADD) and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

A behavior disorder, usually first diagnosed in childhood, that is characterized by inattention, impulsivity and, in some cases,


Autistic disorder (also called autism)

A neurological and developmental disorder that usually appears during the first three years of life. A child with autism appears to live in his/her own world, demonstrating little interest in others and a lack of social awareness. The focus of an autistic child is a consistent routine and includes an interest in repeating odd and peculiar behaviors. Autistic children often have problems in communication, avoid eye contact and show limited attachment to others.

Avoidant personality disorder

People with avoidant personality disorder avoid situations with any potential for conflict or rejection and are disturbed by their own social isolation, withdrawal and inability to form close, interpersonal relationships.

Behavioral therapy

A form of psychotherapy that focuses on modifying observable problematic behaviors by manipulating the individual's environment.

Binge eating disorder

A disorder that resembles bulimia nervosa and is characterized by episodes of excessive overeating (or bingeing). It differs from bulimia, because sufferers do not purge their bodies of the excess food, via vomiting, laxative abuse or diuretic abuse.


A destructive pattern of excessive overeating.

Bipolar disorder

A mood disorder (formerly called manic-depressive disorder) that is characterized by episodes of major depression and mania.

Borderline personality disorder

People with this disorder present instability in their perceptions of themselves, and have difficulty maintaining stable relationships. Moods may also be inconsistent, but never neutral -- their sense of reality is always seen in "black and white." Adults with borderline personality disorder often seek caretaking through the manipulation of others, leaving them often feeling empty, angry and abandoned, which may lead to desperate and impulsive behavior.

Bulimia nervosa (also called bulimia)

A condition characterized by binge eating followed by extreme measures to undo the binge (often vomiting).

Child and adolescent psychiatrist

Licensed physicians who specialize in the evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders in children and adolescents.


A term used to describe long-term persistence. In some mental health disorders, chronic is specified as persisting for six months or longer.


A fear of enclosed spaces.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy

A method of treating psychiatric disorders based on the idea that the way we think about the world and ourselves (our cognitions) affects our emotions and behavior.

Cognitive disorders

The class of disorders consisting of significant impairment of cognition or memory that represents a marked deterioration from a previous level of functioning.

Cognitive therapy

A method of treating psychiatric disorders that focuses on revising a person's thinking, perceptions, attitudes and beliefs.


A process of separating parts of the self from awareness of other parts and behaving as if one had separate sets of values. This is considered a defense mechanism.


A process of psychologically counterbalancing perceived weaknesses by emphasizing strength in other arenas. This is considered a defense mechanism.


An uncontrollable, repetitive and unwanted urge to perform an act. A compulsive act is a defense against unacceptable ideas and desires, and failure to perform the act leads to anxiety.

Compulsive overeating

A tendency toward binging on large amounts of food, followed by extreme guilt.


A mood disorder of at least two years' duration viewed as a mild variant of bipolar disorder. Cyclothymia is characterized by numerous periods of mild depressive symptoms not sufficient in duration or severity to meet the criteria for major depression interspersed with periods of hypomania.


A condition in which changes in cognition, including a disturbance in consciousness, occur over a relatively short period of time.


Beliefs such as delusions of grandeur that are thought to be true by the person having them, but these beliefs are wrong. People with delusions cannot be convinced that their beliefs are incorrect.


A group of mental disorders involving a general loss of intellectual abilities, including memory, judgment and abstract thinking. Dementias may be associated with poor impulse control and personality changes.


The refusal to accept reality and to act as if a painful event, thought or

feeling did not exist.

Dependent personality disorder

People with this disorder rely heavily on others for validation and fulfillment of basic needs. They often lack self-confidence, have difficulty making decisions and are unable to properly care for themselves.


A mood disturbance characterized by feelings of sadness, loneliness, despair, low self-esteem, worthlessness, withdrawal from social interaction, and sleep and eating disturbances.


The determination by a health care professional of the cause of a person's problems, usually by identifying both the disease process and the agent responsible.


The redirecting of thoughts, feelings and impulses from a source that causes anxiety to a safer, more acceptable one.


A reading disorder. A child with dyslexia reads below the expected level given his/her age, school grade and intelligence.

Dysthymia (also known as dysthymic disorder)

A mood disorder characterized by chronic mildly depressed or irritable mood often accompanied by a loss of interest or pleasure in normal activities that is present most of the time for at least two years. Many people with dysthymia experience major depressive episodes at times.

Eating disorders

Disorders characterized by abnormal eating behaviors and a distorted body image.


A feeling of elation that is not based on reality and is commonly exaggerated.

Factitious disorders

Conditions in which physical and/or psychological symptoms are fabricated in order to place an individual in the role of a patient or

sick person in need of help.

Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)

A psychiatric condition in which the main symptoms are chronic worry and fear that seems to have no real cause. There may be many associated physical reactions, such as trembling, jitteriness, sweating, lightheadedness and irritability.


A strong perception of an event or object when no such situation is present; may occur in any of the senses (i.e., visual, auditory, gustatory, olfactory or tactile).

Histrionic personality disorder

People with this disorder are overly conscious of their appearance, are constantly seeking attention, exaggerate emotions and often behave dramatically.


The disposition to inflict harm on another person and/or the actual infliction of harm, either physically or emotionally.


Abnormally deep or rapid breathing, often seen when someone is anxious.


An episode of illness that resembles mania, but is less intense and less disabling. Hypomania is characterized by a euphoric mood, unrealistic optimism, increased speech and activity, and a decreased need for sleep.


Self-knowledge about one's characteristics or personality. A sense of self.


A false perception; the mistaking of something for what is not.

Impulse-control disorders

Disorders characterized by the inability to inhibit impulses that might be harmful to oneself or others.


Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep when one has the opportunity to be sleeping.

Interpersonal therapy

A form of psychotherapy that focuses on a patient's interpersonal relationships; it may be used to treat depression.


A pathological compulsion or impulse to steal.

Learning disorder

When a child's academic ability is below what is expected for the child's age, schooling and level of intelligence. A learning difficulty is usually identified in reading, math or writing.


A feeling of tiredness, drowsiness or lack of energy.

Maintenance treatment

Treatment to prevent a new mood episode, such as depression, mania or hypomania.

Major depressive disorder (also known as clinical depression)

A major mood disorder characterized by one or more (recurrent) episodes of major depression, with or without full recovery between episodes.


An episode usually seen in the course of bipolar disorder characterized by a marked increase in energy, extreme elation, impulsivity, irritability, rapid speech, nervousness, distractibility and/or poor judgment. During manic episodes, some people also experience hallucinations or delusions.

Manic depression (also known as bipolar disorder)

Classified as a type of affective disorder (or mood disorder) that goes beyond the day's ordinary ups and downs. Manic depression is characterized by periodic episodes of extreme elation, elevated mood, or irritability (also called mania) countered by periodic, classic depressive symptoms.


Symptoms usually found in severe major depressive episodes, including loss of pleasure, lethargy, weight loss and insomnia.

Mood disorder (also known as affective disorder)

A category of mental health problems including a disturbance in mood, usually profound sadness or apathy, euphoria or irritability, such as the disorder major depression.

Narcissistic personality disorder

People with this personality disorder have severely overly inflated feelings of self-worth, grandiosity and superiority over others.


In the brain, these chemicals transfer messages from one nerve cell to another and affect mood.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

An anxiety disorder in which a person has an unreasonable thought, fear or worry that he/she may try to manage through ritualized activity. Frequently occurring disturbing thoughts or images are called obsessions, and the rituals performed to try to prevent or dispel them are called compulsions. People with OCD often become uncomfortable in situations that are beyond their control and have difficulty maintaining positive, healthy interpersonal relationships as a result.

Panic disorder (also called panic attacks)

An anxiety disorder characterized by chronic, repeated and unexpected intense periods of fear when there is no specific cause for the fear. In between panic attacks, people with panic disorder worry excessively about when and where the next attack may occur. Panic disorder may be accompanied by agoraphobia.

Paranoid personality disorder

People with this disorder are often cold, distant and unable to form close, interpersonal relationships. Often overly suspicious of their surroundings, people with paranoid personality disorder generally cannot see their role in conflict situations and often project their feelings of paranoia as anger onto others.


An uncontrollable, irrational and persistent fear of a specific object, situation or activity.

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

A debilitating condition that is related to a past terrifying physical or emotional experience causing the person who survived the event to have persistent, frightening thoughts and memories or flashbacks, of the ordeal. People with PTSD often feel chronically emotionally numb.


The treatment of mental and emotional disorders using psychological methods, such as talk therapy.


People with bulimia engage in a destructive pattern of ridding their bodies of the excess calories (to control their weight) by vomiting, abusing laxatives or diuretics, taking enemas and/or exercising obsessively -- a process called purging.


A pathological compulsion to set fires.


A state of intense emotional experience associated with uncontrolled destructive behavior.

Reaction formation

The converting of wishes or impulses that are perceived to be dangerous into opposite thoughts. This is considered a defense mechanism.


The reversion to an earlier stage of development in the face of unacceptable impulses. This is considered a defense mechanism.


The recurrence of a disease after apparent recovery, or the return of symptoms after remission.


A return to the asymptomatic state, usually accompanied by a return to the usual level of functioning.


The blocking of unacceptable impulses from consciousness. This is considered a defense mechanism.

Schizoid personality disorder

People with this disorder are often cold, distant, introverted and have an intense fear of intimacy and closeness. They are often so absorbed in their own thinking and daydreaming that they stay detached from others and reality.


A complex mental health disorder involving a severe, chronic and disabling disturbance of the brain. The symptoms may include hallucinations, delusions and disorganized thinking.

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD)

A mood disorder characterized by depression related to a certain season of the year -- especially winter.


A group of drugs used to produce sedation (calmness). Sedatives include sleeping pills and anti-anxiety drugs.

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)

A commonly prescribed class of drugs for treating depression. SSRIs work by stopping the reuptake of serotonin, an action that allows more serotonin to be available to be taken up by other nerves.

The SSRI Paxil may increase the risk for birth defects, particularly heart defects, when women take it during the first three months of pregnancy, according to a 2005 advisory from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The FDA is waiting for the results of recent studies to better understand the higher risk. Discuss with your doctor about the health risks of Paxil if you plan to become pregnant or are in the first three months of pregnancy. You may want to consider taking a different antidepressant. Do not stop taking the drug without first talking to your doctor.


Feelings about one's self.

Social phobia

An anxiety disorder in which a person has significant anxiety and discomfort related to a fear of being embarrassed, humiliated, or scorned by others in social or performance situations.

Somatization disorder

A chronic disorder characterized by multiple, often long-standing physical complaints such as aches and pains.

Specific phobia

A type of phobia characterized by extreme fear of an object or situation that is not harmful under normal conditions.


The channeling of unacceptable impulses into more acceptable outlets. This is considered a defense mechanism.

Suicidal behavior

Actions taken by one who is considering or preparing to cause their own death.

Suicidal ideation

Thoughts of suicide or wanting to take one's life.


The intentional taking of one's life.

Suicide attempt

An act focused on taking one's life that is unsuccessful in causing death.

Supportive therapy

Psychotherapy that focuses on the management and resolution of current difficulties and life decisions using the individual's strengths and available resources.

Symptom breakthrough

The return of symptoms in the course of either the continuation or maintenance phase treatment.

Tourette's syndrome

A tic disorder characterized by repeated involuntary movements and uncontrollable vocal sounds. This disorder usually begins during childhood or early adolescence.


Recurrent hair pulling resulting in significant hair loss with a motivation of self-gratification or tension release.

Tricyclic antidepressants

Drugs used in the treatment of clinical depression. Tricyclic refers to the presence of three rings in the chemical structure of these drugs.

Vegetative symptoms

A group of symptoms that refer to sleep, appetite and/or weight regulation.

Online & Phone Counseling

The Vivekanantha psychotheraphy and counselling center provides online counseling, as well as counseling over the telephone. There are certain circumstances where such therapy is appropriate, especially if the person seeking such therapy has limited access to transportation or therapists in their area.


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